Thursday, July 1, 2010

Montrose Update

Just spoke with Donna from Montrose and she gave a great report regarding the current state of things at Rosemont. She has been all over town delivering thanks-yous to people and business' that make a contribution to VBS and all of them have had something great to say about "those kids from Texas". She went to the ROTC to see if they could get a color guard for their July 4th service and even the man there had heard about us and read about our visit in the newspaper and was talking about how great is was that we came to help. 2 grocery stores and the Chamber of Commerce have also had many great things to say.

That was our hope and prayer. We wanted for Rosemont to be able to increase their ministry and visibility to the people of Montrose. We wanted for more people to know that they exist. We can only praise the Lord for the way He works through His willing children.

In two weeks they are going to begin an on-going Mom's class. One of the ladies that attended the class while we were there has been coming to church regularly, with her 2 children.

The Lord is continuing what He began with us.

She also updated me on Dr. Kim's health. He is not doing well at all. He is in constant pain and is needing to make a decision very soon about what to do. Please be in fervent prayer for him. He has some major decisions and obstacles facing him. I know he would appreciate your prayers.

Until then,
Mr. Buck